Spring Term Week 2
We have had a busy week with quite a few new starters and a few children who have come to try out Art Barn. We hope you all had a good class and enjoyed the activities. If you have any questions about our classes and why we do certain things, please don’t hesitate to contact us. For those of you who are new, we will email you a “How to get the most out of Art Barn” information sheet separately.
This week we have continued to work on our weatherboards so we now have a snowman, a sun a very nice blue board. Next week we will make our umbrellas and clouds.
In our messy tray the children played with powder paint in an assortment of colours. Some children much prefer the dry mess to the wet play. This type of play is not just important for our youngest children, it is very important and beneficial to our school aged children as they have daily pressure of achieving so many different things both at school and in all their after school activities.
The sensory delight of messy play is a wonderful way for children to learn about their world but more importantly, messy play can be so relaxing for children. There is no right or wrong so no pressure, just a chance to enjoy and explore the textures.
We look forward to seeing you all next week.
All the best,
Art Barn team

Building Confidence, Imagination & Creativity
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