Customer Questions
We know that you are likely to have some questions about Art Barn which we have tried to answer below. Please email us about anything not covered here.
Term Time Classes
Can we try a class before signing up for the term?

Yes, we offer a trial class, please email to arrange.

At what age can my child start Art Barn?
Our classes start from 16 months.
Which class is the right one for my child?
The classes are all structured to meet the needs of the children by age. You can use your free trial class to make sure you and your child are happy with your selected class. The teacher will give you feedback at the end of the trial session to let you know if this is the most suitable class for your child.
Can the children be dropped off?
When your child turns two and they are comfortable being left, you are welcome to drop them off to their class.
What do we do if we miss a term time class?
We always try to offer a make-up class (max 2 per term) but please note that this is not guaranteed (Class must be suitable for the age of the child). We do not provide a refund on missed term time classes.
Do we need to bring anything to the class?
No, smocks and a snack are provided by Art Barn, however you can provide both of these if you would prefer.
Holiday Workshops
Is everyday a different activity?
The classes are planned with different themes and activities each day, this avoids repetition for those children who are attending more than 1 class.
Are holiday classes drop off or do parents stay?
Holiday classes are drop off sessions only. You can of course stay to settle your child in. If you have any concerns regarding dropping your child off, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Can a child of 3 years and under attend a holiday workshop?

Unfortunately due to our insurance policies we cannot take a child before their 4th birthday for holiday classes.

Do we have to bring a snack?
No, Art Barn provides a snack but you are welcome to bring your own small, nut free snack if you would prefer. No sweets please!
Do the children stay for lunch?

Holiday classes – No, a snack will be provided but the children go home for lunch.

What do we do if we miss a holiday class?
It is helpful to know if you are unable to attend your booked class. We do not offer refunds but we can occasionally offer ‘make up’ classes. Please note that this is not guaranteed and only possible where we are able to find space in a suitable class.

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